Hey I wonder if that west coast principal opposes the Arizona Law?

Posted: May 7, 2010 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news
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Actually I don’t wonder at all. It has broken through to the MSM and this is going to have a bigger effect on the Arizona immigration story than any things Barkley or Smith or Webber might say. If I was leading the political charge in favor of the Arizona law I’d call up that principal to get his position. Live oak high school has already felt the need to put a message on their site over the uproar.

Still waiting to see if they will advocate for Free NBA admission for all, and a rule prohibiting kicking out people who sneak in. I also haven’t heard back from the Sun’s publicity people yet.

I think the NBA and MLB are really risking themselves on this in terms of bottom lines. There are simply too many choices out there and it’s too tight an economy to be going against your customer base.

CNN is asking people to comment on this. I’d consider going here to do so.

The latest Fox new poll on the subject shows the public believes Arizona acted correctly by 61% to 27%. By 64%-15% They believe the law should be given a chance rather than trying to stop it. This is going to backfire so huge on these guys it’s not funny, at 64% say to see how it works while only 15% say they should stop it.

NBA get a clue.

Update: Called the Live Oak High School and attempted to get the principal’s office or the switchboard to request an interview. They aren’t answering the phone and all the mailboxes are full. What a surprise!

Update 2: Apparently the Mexican student’s walked out of school yesterday marching on the district “demanding respect“:

The group – mostly high school students – walked out of school this morning after the story of four students who were sent home because they wore American flag T-shirts went viral on TV and online. Many wear red, white and green and two large Mexico flags can be seen at the front of the line.

The students say they want people to know they’re proud of their heritage and they believe wearing red, white and blue on Cinco de Mayo is disrespectful.

Many of the students are from Live Oak High School, who left school around 11 a.m. this morning and decided to march to the school district headquarters just north of Tennant Avenue. When they arrived, they were told to leave.

That’s going to look great on the evening news. I wonder what democrats running for election around the country have to say about this issue and about the Mexican American students walking out of school and marching. Won’t it be fun to find out?

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