Fox most trusted. MSM; you did this to yourself!

Posted: January 27, 2010 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news
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O’Keefe not withstanding, A million members of the left must be going Kryten today.

Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country, according to a new poll out Tuesday.

A Public Policy Polling nationwide survey of 1,151 registered voters Jan. 18-19 found that 49 percent of Americans trusted Fox News, 10 percentage points more than any other network.

Thirty-seven percent said they didn’t trust Fox, also the lowest level of distrust that any of the networks recorded.

There is some serious gloating going on

Meanwhile on the left: disbelief and resignation.

I used to get upset about this sort of thing, but now? Pft. Whatever.

Couple this with a new influx of corporate cash into political advertising and… well hey, democracy was nice while it lasted.


Just remember this would not have been possible without the long term cooperation of the MSM. Acorn videos, Van Jones, Tea Parties, “Racism”, Ken Gladney, Anita Dunn, Kevin Jennings, ¿Quien sabe? and Sarah Palin’s “Acknowledged Grandchild”, all ignored, misrepresented, delayed or otherwise not covered by the MSM…

…and that’s just in the last year!

The difference, how many days did it that the MSM to cover O’Keefe and Acorn, days, even weeks.

How many days did it take Fox to cover the story? On the net same day. On TV? I saw it this morning.

That’s it in a nutshell!

Oh and Fox, don’t get cocky, if you fall into the MSM’s habits you will suffer the same fate and deserve it.

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