Intimidation: A Feature not a Bug to the Left

Posted: August 8, 2019 by datechguy in blogs
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As you might have noticed from my last post the site went down yesterday. Before it did a commentator on the site inquired about the pricing of the move suggesting I might do better. I replied to him here and we had a pleasant conversation on twitter over it.

This morning when I got home and found my primary site back up I saw this tweet waiting for me. It really got me angry.

I’ve been around for a while and while I’m known a bit and even been praised by Candidate Donald Trump for my reporting, but even so I understand that in the big scheme of things I’m pretty small potatoes.

Yet this gentlemen after a conversation with me felt the need to delete tweets because he feared retaliation from the left that could affect his life and lively hood.

There isn’t a lot that gets my considerable temper going, but trying to harm a person’s ability to feed himself and his family does. It is what prompted my involvement in Stacy vs LGF business that he alluded to in his post over my fundraiser (thanks stacy btw).

That the left has decided that it’s OK to try to ruin people is despicable, that it’s reached a point where a guy putting a few tweets on line has to restrain himself because of fear of these bastards is simply evil.

To the left apparently it’s a matter of joy and satisfaction because politics has become a religion and to them their ends sanctifies any means.

Pray for them, they need it.
