Stranger on a train…

Posted: January 14, 2010 by datechguy in elections, fun, personal
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…well not quite a stranger. Robert Stacy McCain is on his way up here and by the time this scheduled post goes up he should be just arriving in Boston via AmTrak. We will be bopping (does anyone say “bopping” anymore?) around the state a bit to see what we can see concerning the Brown campaign and he will likely be posting both from the road and from my house, likely with a Wachusett Country Ale in his hand as he does.

As my laptop battery is dead and I’m not inclined to buy a new one for a machine that is old and falling over my remote blogging might be limited but Robert Stacy will have the story so keep an eye over there for some first rate reporting.

Maybe the first story he can cover is the absolutely shattering surprise Boston Globe endorsement of Coakley.

Who woulda thunk it? I couldn’t be more shocked if I found enmity between RedSox and Yankee fans.

Linked by Camp of the saints, Thanks Bob.

  1. bobbelvedere says:

    Quoted from and Linked to at:
    Stacy McCain Is In Bosstown [Welcome To My World]

  2. […] that very late lunch I told my friend the entire story of Stacy’s week here in Fitchburg. He was totally […]