Memo to the US senate PASS SOMETHING

Posted: April 2, 2011 by datechguy in economy, politics
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Every day on the news the word concerning the budget has been, “The house is divided”, “Will the house compromise?” “Can speaker Boehner make a deal with democrats?”.

All of this is missing the point.

The house has ALREADY passed a budget deal, it was HR 1. It debated and voted and passed it overwhelmingly.

Normal process at his point would be the senate with its Democratic Majority and its Democratic leader Harry Reid to pass an alternative bill and then you go to a conference committee to work things out.

Yet the Senate has yet to manage even 50 votes (let alone 60) on any kind of bill and Harry Reid has shown no inclination to even try to move. This is no surprise, after all he was in charge of the senate with a huge democratic majority that didn’t pass a budget last year in the first place.

Have you seen a single news story this week asking when the senate was going to pass something? I haven’t (granted I spent yesterday in Bed sick) but I don’t see why it is up to the house which has already done its job to act again when the senate has been unable to do a thing and Republican senators do their country no favors by demanding compromise by the house before they have done their job.

Get something passed first, then we can negotiate based on the two versions available.

  1. […] Memo to the US senate PASS SOMETHING Have you seen a single news story this week asking when the senate was going to pass something? I haven’t (granted I spent yesterday in Bed sick) but I don’t see why it is up to the house which has already done its job to act again when the senate has been unable to do a thing and Republican senators do their country no favors by demanding compromise by the house before they have done their job. […]