Planned Parenthood, teaching our girl scouts to be “Hot”

Posted: March 6, 2011 by datechguy in culture
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Planned parenthood is certainly trying to earn their name with this nonsense, because if kids follow this advice they’d better plan for parenthood:

The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides hosted a no-adults-welcome panel at the United Nations this week where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute a brochure entitled “Healthy, Happy and Hot.” The event was part of the annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which concludes this week.

Because this is exactly what Girl Scouts (Girl Guides is the English Version) is all about learning how to be hot.

And of course why stop there:

The New York Times recently reported that UN Population Fund had co-sponsored a very controversial curriculum with UNESCO, that included teaching children as young as five to be sexually active and training adolescents to advocate for abortion.

Via Pundit and Pundette who also comments on the previous NEA outrage concluding:

Ms. Schneider doesn’t want this to be a choice. Got it. Parental involvement is the last thing they want. It might interfere with the agenda against “heterosexism.”

Stacy McCain who has an image of the cover and one page of the handout has this to say:

Those of you old enough to think of Girl Scouts in terms of crafts, camping and cooking are probably astonished by this, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that the national Girl Scouts organization has been hijacked by radical feminists.

Might as well send them camping with Charlie Sheen . . .

As for Planned Parenthood, as I said on the show, if they have $200k for ads then I think they can pay for this nonsense without taxpayer funds, don’t you?

I gave a copy of McCain’s article to a local girl scout leader after mass today. I think her jaw dropped off and rolled down the front stairs.

  1. Lisa Graas says:

    I was a Girl Scout……..and I can’t let my daughters be Girl Scouts.

  2. Jill says:

    Me, too. But for my kids, no girl scouts, no gov’t schools, etc.

    Thanks for the link, Peter.

  3. ew gross. hardly surprising, to me, which means I must be too jaded. It’s just, my one year of girl scouts in 6th grade was pointless and boring, the girls mostly practicing cheers and vying for some kind of queen bee status. Based on that memory, this seems like a natural progression . . .

  4. drtomptl says:

    ask you families about Challenge. it is the catholic answer to the sad state of affairs at the girl scouts.