More Democratic Civility

Posted: February 26, 2011 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news, politics
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Over at the blog Mind Stain and Firedoglake they tell the story about a restaurant that choose to discriminate against a patron based on his political views :

Wisconsin blogger Naomi Houser reports tonight (via Howie Klein on Twitter):

The M******t [a restaurant] in Madison, WI confirms that on Friday night, ******* (one of the owners) politely asked Scott Walker to leave the establishment when other customers began booing him. A bartender at The M*****t said that ‘his presence was causing a disturbance to the other customers and management asked him to leave.’

Maybe he should have stayed home and ordered pizza instead? Okay, maybe not; there might be a long wait.

Houser adds regarding The M******t that readers might want to “give your patronage and thanks in person the next time you are in Madison.”

The restaurant in question is apparently The Merchant Restaurant and by the sound of what went on the trouble in question was not from Walker but from the patrons.

Lets play a game. Lets pretend a black man entered a restaurant and the all white patrons decided to boo and heckle him and the owner asked him to leave. Would you see the same love fest in comments at Firedoglake and at Mindstain over the denial of service. Look at the comments at both sites and see the civility of the left.

However there is yet another twist. There is a real debate if this actually happened or if this was a stunt to try to get attention as Badger blogger reports:

Well my friends, this is the case of a Madison restaurant trying to gain liberal credibility by making up a total lie about how they booted out Scott Walker out of their establishment. When BadgerBlogger called them to confirm the story, the staff refused to confirm or deny, and continued to obfuscate until they hung up the phone… But in fact, they didn’t hang up, it appears that they accidentally put the phone on speaker…. And BadgerBlogger tapes continued to roll.

Our audio captures the restaurant staff talking about how they have to take down the blog posting because people are starting to call about it, you can actually hear them logging into the blog and deleting it. Too late.

We confirm with Governor Walker’s staff that the Governor has never been to that restaurant, this was an attempted “punking” by employees of The Merchant Restaurant, but look who got punked… In the words of Joe Wilson, You Lie! Here is the audio:

Was he there or was he not? Apparently true or false the restaurant ran with it, got publicity and got burned.

It will be interesting to see how or if this plays out, but its more interesting to see the reactions of the left. Their cheering of the exclusion of a patron from a public place because of political views. As American Power puts it:

What gets me, if you go back to the Firedoglake entry, is that for progressives, discriminating against Governor Walker would be a cool thing to do — that they would applaud the kind of action they would vehemently denounce if done to a minority, or even a progressive Democrat. This is not how students learn about democracy in school. And frankly, this isn’t how politics should be conducted. Governor Walker is not an arch segregationist. His programs are not about to exterminate the sick and aged. Progressives know this but they’ve shown they’ll do anything to distract from the issues at hand: the sweetheart deals between the unions and the Democrats and the fiscal sinkhole the State of Wisconsin is facing. Public opinion doesn’t favor the Democrats. And refusing the governor’s budget will only delay the reckoning and further blemish the left’s reputation.

Unreal, in any case.

How civil!

  1. […] have to run for now, so be sure to read the reactions from Da TechGuy and Donald Douglas. Tags: Merchant Restaurant, punked, Scott Walker, […]

  2. […] really amazed me concerning the Walker Restaurant story wasn’t so much the veracity of the story or the […]

  3. […] I could whine ”Why doesn’t the media pick this up?” but we all know why… the media is the left and the left is the media. Thanks, Techguy, for another great post (and raising my blood pressure some more…) Over at the blog Mind Stain and Firedoglake they tell the story about a restaurant that choose to discriminate against a patron based on his political views : Wisconsin blogger Naomi Houser reports tonight (via Howie Klein on Twitter): The M******t [a restaurant] in Madison, WI confirms that on Friday night, ******* (one of the owners) politely asked Scott Walker to leave the establishment when other customers began booing him. A bartender at The … Read More […]