As far as Wisconsin goes…

Posted: February 18, 2011 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news, tea parties
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When I look at the situation I can’t really believe that people are actually acting in this way.

If it was 20 years ago the media would be able to spin this differently, but in an internet and social networking age there is no possible way for people on social networks to see this for anything other than what it is.

Robert Stacy McCain keep updating and each one is as unbelievable as the last

And of Course it will be hard to hide the DNC’s role in this:

OfA Wisconsin’s field efforts include filling buses and building turnout for the rallies this week in Madison, organizing 15 rapid response phone banks urging supporters to call their state legislators, and working on planning and producing rallies, a Democratic Party official in Washington said.

The @OFA_WI twitter account has published 54 tweets promoting the rallies, which the group has also plugged on its blog.

And after all the self-righteousness of the left they will be hard pressed to explain away the Hitler stuff.

I asked the woman if she thought Scott Walker was like Hitler, and she said “Yes.” So I said, “Are you saying that you think fascism could come to America,” and she said, “It’s what’s happening.”

Jimmie Bise believes the game is over:

At this point, the teachers’ union and their Democratic supporters have conceded the argument. They could not defend their refusal of Governor Walker’s relatively small demands and so they launched into ridiculous ad hominem, violent rhetoric (shudder!), and, eventually, cowardly flight. We should take instruction from what has happened in Wisconsin over the past two days. Public sector unions are, as I have said before, a blight on our states and nation. We should do everything in our power to rid ourselves of them entirely and make sure, by law if necessary, that they can never come back again. It would make me very happy if Governor Walker fired every single teacher who called out sick over the past two days. They let down the taxpayers of Wisconsin and, more importantly, taught their students that it’s okay to lie, cheat, and steal in order to get what you want.

This is not a test of the union, it is a test of the voters. If the voters let this pass then they deserve everything they get in the future from these and the other unions. I can’t see rationally how they can fail to decide that these parasites are not worth a damn.

This is a real wild card, it shows that in the political world you never know.

Update: Forgot to add this excellent point from America is Conservative:

…watching this play out in the news and comparing it to the other headlines where people are fighting for basic liberties really paints a strong contrast to our pampered existence.


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