The comments are where the action is

Posted: February 8, 2011 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news
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Instapundit, Stacy and Legal Insurrection and hotair headlines have all commented on this story concerning social scientists and the left:

If you want to really understand why I believe that the same elitist attitudes that caused democrats to support Slavery, Jim Crow and abortion (all three are about one group of people being better or more worthy than others) still run strong check out the comments section of the story itself:

Stuff like this:

Interesting article, but not proof of bias. There may be a selectivity effect that explains the dominance of liberals in the social sciences.

Or this:

The same “bias” would show up among physicists and other “hard” science people. Conclusions? Draw your own. Mine? Most thinking people are not very likely to be what you call “conservative”.

Or this:

there’s a bias against non-thinking people in a lot of fields.. that would mean non -liberal.

Or this:

Alternative hypothesis: closed-minded conservatives don’t make very good scientists.

All these comments were highly recommended by times readers, now lets play a game and re-write all of these comments with the words “liberal” and “conservative” replaced by “whites” and “blacks”:

Interesting article, but not proof of bias. There may be a selectivity effect that explains the dominance of “whites” in the social sciences.

The same “bias” would show up among physicists and other “hard” science people. Conclusions? Draw your own. Mine? Most thinking people are not very likely to be what you call “black“.

there’s a bias against non-thinking people in a lot of fields.. that would mean non –“whites”.

Alternative hypothesis: closed-minded “blacks” don’t make very good scientists.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the children of Alexander Stephens and Cotton Ed Smith, the modern democratic party, same arrogance, same bigotry, different targets.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Catholic Blogs, Lisa Graas. Lisa Graas said: The comments are where the action is via @DaTechGuyblog […]

  2. Walter in Texas says:

    Now, the scary part is how much the GOP resembles the Whigs in being useless, arrogant, and out of touch. The Democrats are eternal. They play to race-hatred, greed, and envy: all staple vices that will be with us until the end.

    The trouble is that our efforts to front them and fight back vary in quality, depending on parties no better than the Whigs and the Republicans. Decency, apparently, organizes poorly as political parties. Unless the GOP straightens up quickly, we may get to see a third party rise, as the Republicans did in the 1850s, from the indignation of the citizenry.

    If we can just avoid an 1860 election. . .

  3. Roxeanne de Luca says:

    Amazing, really. If my Haemet blog were not down, I would happily link to my article on the Massachusetts conservatives running for office – nanotechnologists, JDs, MBAs, professors. Academic powerhouse time.

    However smart and passionate about learning conservatives may be, they don’t, as a whole, worship academia. (They are quick, however, to point out that a highly educated person is not smart when that person is a conservative. Witness the treatment of Yale-Harvard alumnus George W. Bush.)

  4. […] a rare conservative member of academia, wants to benefit from being a persecuted minority.  Da TechGuy pointed out that liberals are using this as an opportunity to showcase their allegedly su….   Now, I’ve already done my smackdown of the “liberals are smarter” idea at […]