How Dare Ann Marie Burkele oppose Abortion…

Posted: January 24, 2011 by datechguy in abortion, catholic, congress, media
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Says the Syracuse “She’s 12 points down” post standard:

When asked about her renewed focus on abortion this past week, Buerkle said she is performing her duty to represent the views of the 25th Congressional District. Buerkle said she is convinced most residents of the district agree with the bills she has co-sponsored.

“I can’t give you a hard statistic,” Buerkle said. “But I heard from many people throughout the campaign who would not support me unless I was pro-life.”

The Lonely Conservative notes that the Post Standard considers it front page news that a former member of Operation Rescue is against abortion. Of course the left to whom Abortion is a sacrament, is attacking:

“Rep. Buerkle was elected to Congress because she promised to create jobs, but instead, one of her first acts is to co-sponsor and champion a bill that takes away health insurance benefits that the majority of women currently have,” DeFazio said.

Because of course repealing Obamacare and limiting what government funds are spent on has nothing to do with small government does it? Additionally having been in office for an entire 20 days, it’s undoubtedly her fault that the unemployment rate hasn’t already dropped to Bush Era levels.

NOW also attacks but that’s to be expected

Buerkle’s actions on the issue also alarm Karen DeCrow, of Jamesville, the former national president of the National Organization for Women.

“This district does not share her views on birth control, sex education, family planning and abortion,” DeCrow said of Buerkle. “She has a different view.”

Yeah the district disagrees with her so much that as the Lonely Conservative points out an attack ad used against her highlighting her opposition may have pushed her over the top:

NY25 covers all of Onondaga and Wayne Counties, and part of Cayuga and Monroe Counties. But a large portion of NY25′s voters are in Onondaga County. I did some digging and found out that there were 147,332 Catholics in Onondaga County alone in 2000 (Sorry, I searched for hours and couldn’t find any more recent data, or a breakdown of religious affiliation of registered voters.) I’m sure enough of those Catholics are registered voters who could swing the election in Buerkle’s favor. This race hasn’t been about social issues. It’s been about the economy, the direction of our country, and the failed policies of the current administration and Congress. By running this ad Dan Maffei just gave undecided pro-life voters a reason to vote for Ann Marie Buerkle.

You would think she was a Catholic or something.

The more I see of Congresswoman Buerkle the more I wish she was my congresswoman.

Update: Stacy McCain: Media Shocked — Shocked! — To Discover That Ann Marie Buerkle Is Pro-Life

  1. Roxeanne de Luca says:

    We don’t want to repeat the Democrat’s mistakes of 2009-2011: focusing so much on advancing one’s social agenda that the entire economy goes to hell in a hand basket. But not forcing us to pay for abortion doesn’t increase the deficit, Pelosi-style; having parental notification of a minor’s abortion doesn’t create job-killing regulations; de-funding Planned Parenthood will save us $300 million a year, not cost us $1 trillion to create a few government jobs.

    There is no mandate to ignore social issues, only a mandate to fix the economy and fight the Obama agenda.

  2. […] — To Discover That Ann Marie Buerkle Is Pro-LifePosted on | January 24, 2011 | View CommentsDa Tech Guy and The Lonely Conservative call attention to the latest “news” from those pillars of […]