Helen when you even have Alan Colmes hitting you

Posted: December 5, 2010 by datechguy in Uncategorized
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then odds are you’ve crossed the line.

But hey Helen Thomas is an old lady it’s not like you have mainstream magazines advising people not to help out during Israel’s big fire right?

There are a great many good causes in Israel that deserve help, and a great many causes here in America that deserve our help. It seems to me, however, that Israel’s national fire service should be funded by Israel’s government, not by the people of Boca Raton, Potomac and the Upper West Side.

My sympathy is with the people who lost their lives, their families, and those still in danger. It is not with a government that appears to be negligent. And I’m not going to contribute funds that might serve to paper-over the government’s inadequacies.

You know I don’t quite remember his column saying that the US shouldn’t have accepted help in the BP disaster or that the rest of the country shouldn’t have helped New Orleans since the state was corrupt and didn’t use federal funding properly.

What is really odd, while bloggers like Jim Hoff are rightly upset at least one group of people are unexpectedly not taking Goldberg’s advice

Twenty-one Palestinian firefighters arrived at the Mount Carmel region on Sunday to assist Israel in its battle against the huge wildfire which has claimed the lives of 41 people.

Hey Jeff when even Palestinians are helping when you are advising otherwise, I’d say think again, but then again the American Left has really degenerated when it comes to Israel and Jews over the last 30 years. It’s been amazing to watch. I’m happy to see Alan Colmes hasn’t succumbed.

Update: Stacy nails it:

There is blood on her hands, just as there is blood on the hands of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and al-Qaeda. Indeed, by her slanderous accusations against Israel, Helen Thomas dips her hands in the blood of Bobby Kennedy and proclaims to the world that RFK was wrong to support Israel, and that Bobby’s killer was right.

This is not a debate about U.S. foreign policy or about the terms of peace between Israel and Palestine.

We can debate such things civilly and amicably. But there can be no room in that debate for those like Helen Thomas who foment anti-Semitic paranoia by making accusations of mala fides against Israel’s allies, claiming that anyone who defends Israel is “owned” by shadowy Zionist conspirators.

  1. […] by Newsy.comYesterday’s post, “Helen Thomas: Blood on Her Hands,” was linked by Da Tech Guy, the Rhetorican and James Taranto at the Wall Street Journal.Further commentary from Classical […]