I’ve been to every precinct in the city so far and this is what I saw.

In ward 6 where two years ago I stood alone a group held signs for republican candidates

Republicans in 2010 Ward 6

The only candidate on the democratic side promoted was Tom Foley for Sheriff

The only democrat signs in 6

I have never in my life seen more people holding signs for a question than for a candidate

Anti Question 1-3 electioneering

I was so struck by that I interviewed a gentleman there

Foley has drawn a fair amount of support. I’ve met him personally and I’m not surprised by that.

The man on the right is a republican but he is for Foley

There was a group of FSU students interviewing people for a government project, I asked them why they didn’t cover the Gunn event at the college, none of them had been told even though every teacher got an e-mail about it.

Where were these college folks when Gunn was on Campus?

In Ward five the turnout was VERY high, particularly in 5a

Ward 5 very busy

I talked to David Roth who I knew from high school, he was a year ahead of me.

In Ward 4 it was the same story

Two Poll workers in Ward 4

Ward 2 also had a very steady stream, their totals were already over the primaries before noon

Posing at the machine in Ward 2a

In ward three there were two big surprises. My mother who works the polls told me it was very steady, in the second ward the numbers were already over 800 by 12:30 p.m.

Ward 3 the busiest ward in town

In both wards 6 and 3 there were Democratic poll watchers checking to see if they needed to get their people out if they hadn’t voted. Two people I met at the Mayday march were also in 6 and 3. We disagree but they are very nice and I’m always pleased to see them.

I ran into John Olver in Ward 3. I still think he is dead wrong but I’ve learned to respect him as a gentleman who has never treated me with anything but respect. He has run a clean and honorable campaign.

John Olver and supporters in Fitchburg on election day

Ex Mayor Mylot was there as well, he was supporting the republican ticket. The men on the left holding signs for Lew held them for Bove in the primary at the same spot.

Ex Mayor Mylot in ward 3

The Shock of the day came as Bill Gunn showed up at the same time and he and Congressman Olver posed for a picture together.

Bill Gunn (r) and congressman John Olver (D) civil and honorable opponents

This was the picture of the day, although I think it will be a close race both have run positive, clean and issue oriented campaigns, it’s been an example to the entire nation.

In ward one the trend of incredible numbers continued:

Ward one with a full house

And the electioneering continued, the most popular democrat in the area is clearly Foley

Signs for foley in ward 1

Republicans signs were in every place except for ward 4 downtown.

Republicans holding signs in ward 1

Bottom line all signs point toward huge turnout and if the Scott Brown trend of January is a barometer, then I’d be worried if I was the left

  1. […] Update 2: I almost forgot – I spoke to Da TechGuy at about lunch time. He sees positive signs in Massachusetts. […]

  2. Thomas says:

    Nice coverage!

  3. […] and 2008 turnout. Democrat pollwatchers seem worried, Republican and Independent turnout is huge. Da Tech Guy’s latest post: Check the photo of “Bill Gunn (r) and congressman John Olver (D) civil and honorable […]