Any attack that gives Stacy an excuse to embedd Python

Posted: September 18, 2010 by datechguy in elections, media, oddities, politics, tea parties
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….has it’s uses.

Does the left actually understand how they look when they decide the Delaware election should turn on WitchCraft and masturbation as opposed to say….jobs and the economy?

The fact is the left would likely actually approve of the witchcraft business, the idea is to convince people who might vote for O’Donnell on the right that she is unsuitable for support, electoral or financial.

The problem here is that their vision of the right and the tea party is a parody of what they think the right is.

As long as that parody is their vision they will continue to fail, so more python moments please.

Oh and Mr. Soros, whatever you’re paying your guys, it’s much too much.

Update: It’s Michelle for the defense

Update 2: Instalanche thanks Glenn (love the Taft line). Hi people, nice to have you around. Got a lot of new entries (including gateway pundit) in DaTechGuy’s field guide to Bloggers, livebloged from WCRN this weekend (might be able to get a show of my own if I can get sponsors hint hint), I covered the 9/12 rallies extensively (the most important interview is here) Check out my interview with Jim McKenna whose successful sticker campaign has set him up to beat Martha Coakley and Bill Gunn who will send John Olver home in MA-1. Learn why Christine O’Donnell is a leader and I invite you to join me in defying murderous barbarians.

  1. annoytheleft says:

    When I saw the title of this post I figured, correctly it turns out, that “Stacy” was Stacy McCain. But, knowing that he says he stayed on “Blogger” so long simply because he wasn’t as technically adept as he’d like to be, I couldn’t imagine what he’d be doing embedding Python on his blog.

    I think it means I’m getting old and losing my sense of shenanigan that I thought you were talking about code.

    I agree with you here that allowing the progressives to attack the caricature that they’ve created is just fine. As more and more people come to understand the Tea Party through means unavailable to the MSM (you know… logic, observation) it will become obvious just how irrelevant and out of touch the progressives are.

  2. rober7 says:

    I think it means I’m getting old and losing my sense of shenanigan that I thought you were talking about code.

  3. […] “Does the left actually understand how they look when they decide the Delaware election should… The fact is the left would likely actually approve of the witchcraft business, the idea is to […]

  4. I am a secular humanist Libertarian type. I don’t believe in God. And yet I am completely undisturbed by Christine’s remarks.


    Because of what she is not saying. She is not saying that she is going to sponsor the Anti-Masturbation Act, which would send out the FBI to spot potential masturbators in their homes, and arrest them. No, she simply says that’s a personal choice, which is true.

    Getting government out of our lives is the one important issue in this election. The person who unapolgeticaly proposes to do this is the person we should elect, regardless of her religious or social views.

    Besides, I think I would like Christine personally. She’s a talented speaker. She can laugh at herself. I think she is exactly the kind of politician we need … even though I’m sure we will never see eye to eye on masturbation :)


  5. M. Simon says:

    I beg to differ about Soros. He is not paying near enough.

  6. Cybrludite says:

    Sadly, I also thought coding, and not shrubberies. Off to Castle Anthrax with me…

  7. mthrndr says:

    I take slight issue with the following statement: “the idea is to convince people who might vote for O’Donnell on the right that she is unsuitable for support, electoral or financial.”

    I disagree. I think the idea is to convince *independents*, on whom most elections hinge, that O’Donnell is unsuitable for support.

    If O’Donnell loses (or doesn’t capture) independents, there are not enough DE voters on the right to save her candidacy.

  8. Martin L. Shoemaker says:


    “… the idea is to convince people who might vote for O’Donnell on the right that she is unsuitable for support, electoral or financial.”

    This also explains why I’ve been seeing many liberal commenters insinuate that Ms. O’Donnell is gay. Oh, never directly; but a dozen or more comments along the line of “Isn’t it odd that she’s in her 40s and still single?” They think that by planting that suspicion, they can cost her support.

  9. blah says:

    Burn the witch and scratch that itch!

    Coons 2012

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