The Curt Jester has the solution for the pseudo Catholic

Posted: August 27, 2010 by datechguy in catholic, fun
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It’s just the thing for the person who wants to pick and choose what they want to believe or what they want to consider sin but that’s not all:

Coming soon is WikiApostolic, WikiScripture, and WikiChurchFathers. Why stop at the Catechism? Create a whole universe that firmly agrees with your theological world view now. You have a lot to learn from yourself so sign on and get going with WikiCatechism now!

This is absolutely perfect for the person who loves being Catholic but doesn’t want to deal with the inconvenient belief system with all those absolutes that go along with it.

  1. Cousin Sam says:

    Gallup reports today that 50% of self-professed Catholics, slightly higher than the overall national average, continue to express support for Barack “Babykiller” Obama. Apparently some have already been using the Beta version of WikiCatechism prior to its official release.