This article at the Huffington Post worries me …

Posted: August 2, 2010 by datechguy in elections, opinion/news
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…a lot more than Prof Bainbridge’s or Political Byline. Why because she doesn’t pretend that Palin hurts the conservative movement:

Like Palin, Reagan was not thought to be a policy heavyweight, and, like her, he was often ridiculed by the punditocracy. And, like Reagan, Palin has come to prominence in a time of national crisis, a state of affairs in which appeals to the collective unconscious are much more powerful — and dangerous — than in normal times.

Well like Reagan Palin is certainly dangerous to liberals like Arianna, she concludes thus:

So isn’t it wise to get a handle on Palin’s true appeal sooner rather than later? Because, to quote that other archetypal ursine ad: “Some people say the bear is tame. Others say it’s vicious and dangerous. Since no one can really be sure who’s right, isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear?”

If liberals get it through their head to actually do that? It would take a lot of self control that I don’t think they have, but why take chances?

No Memeorandum thread of this yet. But Hotair is all over it.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by David Andrew, David Andrew and Sarah Storm Report, Peter Ingemi. Peter Ingemi said: Is @ariannahuff and the left getting smart enough to drop their #palin foolishness? Can @davidfrum & co? @c4palin […]

  2. Roxeanne de Luca says:

    Eh, damage has already been done – most everything thinks that Palin is an empty-headed moron.

    I wish it were otherwise, and think that Palin is strong enough to overcome the negative *(&@ thrown at her by the Left, but wonder if this is the Left’s way of trying to appear normal about what they did to her.

    Something tells me that the desecration of Sarah Palin will come back to haunt the Left in 2012, whether or not our Barracuda runs.