Tim LaHaye: Unclear on the concept

Posted: July 29, 2010 by datechguy in internet/free speech
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Forgetting the theological argument on how the end times will work. Can someone explain to me why this is a bad thing if you are a Christian who believes as LaHaye does?

Huckabee went on to prod LaHaye a bit further on his assertion. “Are we now living in the end times, from your perspective?” asked the former Arkansas Governor and possible 2012 White House contender.

LaHaye’s response: “Very definitely, governor.”

Ignoring the fact that nobody knows the day or the hour, since Christians believe the end time will eventually come and the second coming along with it, why is that a bad thing?

The second coming of Christ is a central belief of Christianity why would we worry if it comes because of President Obama or anyone else?

My advice to Christians? Always be ready because regardless of if LaHaye is right or if he is wrong sooner or later you will have your personal end time, obsessing over the date and hour distracts you from the main point of loving God with all your heart soul and mind and loving your neighbor as yourself.

Memeorandum thread here.

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