Hey the New York Times…

Posted: July 26, 2010 by datechguy in media, opinion/news, tea parties
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issues this correction:

The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members. emphasis mine

Of course as Powerline notes in their post:

Someday the Times may go all the way and admit that the epithets “reportedly” directed at Lewis (reported by Lewis himself, that is) never occurred. In the meantime, the paper is careful to assure its readers that Tea Party members have made “a number of” racially charged statements, all of which are unspecified.

Well they did use the word reportedly so I guess that’s a start.

Ready for the great swash of media condemnation of the NYT by the media that beat its breast over Andrew Breitbart in 3…2…1 Never.

Memeorandum thread here.

Update: American power has a screen shot and Smitty has some fun:

So, perhaps somebody with an iPod and some speakers was standing inside the building, listening to gangsta rap, and the Congressmen heard it as they came out. Then the whole incident could be downgraded from ‘victimized by racial epithets’ to ‘experiencing art’. Look at me being a Helpy Helperperson!

That works for me.

Update 2: Memo to some bloggers: Aspiring to the the NYT of the right is a bad idea.

  1. Maybe John Lewis is a liar. But I do not find his charge hard to believe when i see posters at tea party rallies showing Obama as a witch doctor, or comparing him to a monkey. It is old style racism to equate blacks as some sort of no-human form. Maybe you do not think that is a form of racism. But is IS perceived that way by most people of color and a lot of crackers too, so why do it? It’s done to get a rise out of people like John Lewis.

  2. Gregory Koster says:

    Dear Mr. Walters: Why speculate that John Lewis is a liar? This <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPyexAyRq54&feature=player_embedded#!&quot; paladin says a tape of the incident, i.e. Tea Partiers calling Lewis a n*****, exists (watch 3:55 to 4:20 of the clip.) That’s all we need, isn’t it, to see the clip? So where is it?

    That clip is where the clips are that have the:

    “…when i see posters at tea party rallies showing Obama as a witch doctor, or comparing him to a monkey.”

    that you tell us you’ve seen. As TechGuy says, video equipment is ubiquitous these days. For that matter, can you tell us what Tea Party rallies you’ve been to? Dates and places, please, along with clips. Pardon me, but I have the impression that if you went to a Tea Party rally, you’d start walking in circles, mumbling “That does not compute,” again and again, even while you kept your fingers stuck in your ears and your eyes wide shut.

    Waiting to see your citation of clips.

    Sincerely yours,
    Gregory Koster

  3. In my discussions with “likely Tea Party supporters” (-i say this based on the beliefs they hold are the same as those espoused by Tea Party leaders), I can say with certainty that there is a racial element involved. Don’t play coy with me, I’m not stupid, even though I speak with a southern accent. When in “safe territory”, the racist element comes through loud and clear. “All those N****rs on welfare” kind of talk, lazy N****rs don’t wanna work” is another refrain. It’s out there.

  4. […] of EratosthenesCarol’s ClosetImportant New Theory In Alleged March Racial Epithet IncidentDaTechguyDon’t Pay the Ransom, I Escaped!VA RightBoot Mike CastleThe Camp of the SaintsDelaware […]