The news of Bristol Palin re-engaged to Levi Johnston…

Posted: July 14, 2010 by datechguy in opinion/news
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…reminds me of the reading of the will in the movie The Devil’s disciple starring Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster and Lawrence Olivier:

During the reading of the will his Kirk Douglas’ Brother Christie played by Neil McCallum is left £50 on the day he marries a certain lady, if she will have him. Douglas’ character Richard Dudgeon and Christie then have the following exchange:

Richard Dudgeon: But will she have him?

Christie Dudgeon: She will if I have £50

Here is the story:

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston reveal exclusively in the new Us Weekly that they are getting married.

And, they tell Us Weekly, former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been kept in the dark about their plans … until now.

“We got engaged two weeks ago,” Bristol, 19, tells Us Weekly. “It felt right, even though we don’t have the approval of our parents.”

It’s not for me to say Johnston can be trusted or no, and as a rule, barring violence it is always better for a father and mother to be together and married for a child, the first priority but when I hear about this I can’t get that scene out of my head and I have a bad feeling about this, but I wish them all the best.

Watch this blow away all other stories on Memeorandum today.

Update: Quote from DaTechWife: “It will be the first wedding for them both, it won’t be the last.”

Update 2: Now a hotair headline

Update 3: It’s storytime at Robert Stacy’s!

Update 4: Oh Lonely conservative you should know Gossip is always easier than thought.

Update 5 Yeah it’s “Johnston” not “Johnson” fixed it.

  1. […] a.m. Talking Larry King and Despicable Me, they haven’t touched on the Palin Johnson engagement. It will make Mika’s head […]

  2. globalscams says:

    I had a daughter who went thru the exact same thing. In fact his family was too good for my family. His family had money and status.

    My family was a blue collar hard working family that didn’t covet STUFF.

    In the end they broke up, got back together and broke up again only to get back together again.

    This is actually no surprise to me. Levi and Bristol are young and the pressures they were put thru with Sarah Palin’s political fortunes is more then any solid adult can handle, let alone young teenagers in love.

  3. […] at memeorandum? I guess it’s interesting, and people like that sort of thing, but come on. As Da TechGuy’s wife pointed out, this probably won’t be the first marriage for either of them. I’ll give them the […]

  4. […] HillBuzz: Ricky Hollywood apologizes to the Palin family in People Magazine DaTechguy’s Blog: The news of Bristol Palin re-engaged to Levi Johnson… Carissa Mulder, Big Journalism: Paging Andrew Sullivan: Levi Johnston Lied About the Palin Family […]