The Boston city counsel belatedly learns how to count

Posted: July 12, 2010 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news
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Back on May 4th I contrasted the 10,000+ tea party rally in Boston with the 300 person open borders rally

The biggest difference between the two groups?

The Tea Party protesters drew 10,000 people to Boston on a weekday and will be a force in the upcoming elections nationally.

The May Day/open borders protesters, drew 300 people to Boston on a Saturday. It remains to be seen if they will have any pull come November.

That very next day the Boston City Council voted for a boycott:

Meanwhile closer to home Boston’s counsel unanimously initiated their own boycott. Governor Patrick blasted the law and questioned the motivations of those proposing tougher rules in the state while in Worcester Tea Party members supporting it were called “racist” and “nazi” as the AG declared: “it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

Well that was back in May but with Arizona Gov Jan Brewer coming to Boston I’m sure they would be able to do better…or perhaps not.

What a bust.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, liberal Massachusetts’ Darth Vader du jour, was supposed to draw thousands to Copley Square yesterday to protest what sign-holders called her “racist” and “bigoted” views of immigrants south of her border.

Only a few hundred showed up.

It may have taken 2 months but the City council of Boston has suddenly learned to count and they don’t like the numbers:

Red-faced Boston city councilors who boldly voted to shun the state of Arizona over its new immigration crackdown are now showing signs of boycotter’s regret.

The grandstanding pols kept a low profile when the target of their boycott came to their city on Saturday. Some acknowledged taking a pass on the much-hyped protest of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer for weekend vacations and other engagements – while one councilor even admitted the embargo was ill-conceived.

In fact the line seems to be Boycott? Moi?

“I wouldn’t refer to it as a boycott. It was a number of things. It was a statement,” said Ross, who was away for the weekend as the protest took place.

The measure passed with great fanfare. Mayor Thomas M. Menino vowed to scrutinize contracts with Arizona firms. But Menino administration officials have failed to respond when asked if any firms have been singled out for action.

Councilors have privately expressed regret, saying they’ve been verbally accosted by angry constituents and taken aback by the level of national attention the boycott brought.

Jules Crittenden is having a lot of fun with this:

This scurrying is taking place in the wake of the much ballyhooed anti-Arizona protest that fizzled in downtown Boston, when only a few hundred diehard activists with “RACIST” signs showed up, many of them bused in from out of town. Tragic, here in the very Heart of Blueness, that they should have to be outsourcing their moonbattery, to do the protesting that local libs apparently won’t do. No wonder they’re caving so easy.

He continues quoting Genghis Khan a bit, meanwhile no word on if the no longer numerically challenged council are going to reverse themselves.

Now a Memorandum thread Captain Ed at Hotair notices some nuance as well.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sissy Willis. Sissy Willis said: RT @DaTechGuyblog: #arizona #janbrewer #azboycott #boston city council learns how to count, two months too late […]

  2. Proud2Serve says:

    Great posting. The democrat leadership should learn from what is happening in Boston.

    I believe the current administration may have made an enormous miscalculation with the AG’s lawsuit. I cannot figure out why, heading into an election that already threatens historic losses for the Democrats, the current leadership decided to make this issue a page one story for many months. Especially since most polls indicate Americans support Arizona by a 2-1 or higher margin.

    No matter the outcome of the legal challenges, the current administration loses.