Open Mouth insert foot

Posted: June 4, 2010 by datechguy in elections, opinion/news
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One of the things that I found during my Ga Trip is that people in the south really dislike the stereotypes that the media and frankly many in the North hold of the south.

What is the most frustrating thing when you are fighting such a stereotype? Having somebody decide to reinforce it:

This evening in an interview with Pub Politics, state Sen. Jake Knotts (R-SC) — who is supporting a different candidate — slammed Haley by using a racial slur:

We already got one raghead in the White House, we don’t need a raghead in the governor’s mansion.

I’ve been avoiding the whole who’s sleeping with who story story a bit because I think it’s tawdry political rumor (missing out on a google bomb here.)

The South Carolina Republican Party has issued a statement condemning Knott’s remarks:

“The South Carolina Republican Party strongly condemns any use of racial or religious slurs. Senator Knotts should apologize for his inappropriate comments, so that we can put this unfortunate incident behind us and focus on issues important to moving our state forward,” said Republican Party Chair Karen Floyd in a statement.

Said Haley spokesman Tim Pearson:

“Jake Knotts represents all that is wrong with South Carolina politics. He’s an embarrassment to our state and to the Republican Party. South Carolina is so much better than this, and the people of our state will make that quite clear next Tuesday.”

What a fool.

  1. Roxeanne de Luca says:


    When I went down to Virginia, I noticed that a lot of people in “enlightened” Massachusetts thought that I was moving to some backwards part of the country that was filled with inbred morons. That I happened to encounter a lot of brilliant, educated Southerners in that particular part of artsy horse country was lost on them, because, apparently, everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line is a rube and every small town there is backwards and uncultured.

  2. “an embarrassment to our state…. South Carolina is so much better than this”

    Who or what is this embarrasment they speak of in South Carolina?

    Is it Governor Sanford, who while on the tax payers dime dissappeared for a week and left the country to go Argentina to have an affair with his mistress while he claimed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail? No…

    Was it Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, who compared struggling assisted residents of his state who are provided a free school lunch program to ‘stray animals’? No…

    Joe Wilson, congressman who interrupted President Obama’s speech to a joint session of congress with his ‘you lie’ comment? No, that didn’t embarrass the state either?

    How about Pastor Roger Byrd, who compared President Obama to Osama Bin Laden on the church’s congregational sign? What, not him either…

    How about Nikki Haley, candidate for Governor who allegedly had an affair too? Sounds like the type of person South Carolina likes already. Strong family values. Nope.

    Activist Rusty DePass, a prominent South Carolina Republican, who was caught likening First Lady Michelle Obama to an escaped gorilla from the zoo in Columbia, SC?… No. that didn’t embarrass the state either.

    Perhaps it is the state flag which causes such controversy. The actual flag of the confederacy and has still caused the NAACP & NCAA to boycott the state losing millions of dollars in potential revenue. Nope that’s not it.

    Perhaps the residents are ashamed that the Civil War started in their state on April 12, 1861. No, you say?

    What about when lawmakers passed a law which “requires terrorists in South Carolina to … register with the S.C. Secretary of State’s office before they start plotting to violently overthrow the government.” No…

    What could it possibly be in South Carolina’s history to have the residents finally NOW ashamed?

    Oh no, its State Senator Jake Knotts, he called someone a ‘rag head’.

    Yup. You can’t make fun of muslims. That’s taboo these days.

    Or is it that comparing a white female to a muslim is degrading to the female?

    Way to go South Carolina. You sure to do a lot of things that makes America proud.

  3. Roxeanne de Luca says:

    Two things:

    Anyone can accuse another person of having an affair. So far, the accusations are painfully unsubstantiated, so please don’t insult Nikki Haley until all the facts are in.

    Second, Joe Wilson deserves a medal. Barack Obama has a horrible, cowardly habit of only criticising people when they cannot (by design or decorum) respond to him. We saw this with the sham of health care town halls, the sniping at the Supreme Court justices who were in front of him during SOTU, and the unwillingness to go on Fox News. I have no patience for people who abuse the rules of a polite society to achieve their own ends; lying to the faces of one’s opponents, while expecting them to sit there and take it, is appalling. Good on Joe Wilson.

  4. Ok the Joe Wilson thing was only against the rules of the joint session of congress and rude, but on the grand scale not a big deal. Of course no one from any other of the 50 states did it. So chalk up another one for SC.

    Secondly, people just don’t randomly come out and say they have had sex with someone, ‘allegedly’, unless they are a group of 13-16 year old boys.

    If she did or didn’t who cares. It definately won’t hurt her in a race for the seat of a Governor who left the country to cheat on his wife, lied about it, then later left his wife, and last week spent time again with his mistress this time in Florida. Of course, he was the same person who stated that Bill Clinton should have resigned his post for the Monica stuff in the 90’s. But yet he remains in office himself? But he’s still in office himself, and the residents of South Carolina didn’t force him to resign either.
    So as I said, she’s probably the favorite in the race for governor, thats the type of Governor the people of South Carolina want.

    So if we take away those two people from the above list, what then of those recent events proved to finally be the ’embarrasment to the state’?