A kinder gentler oil rethoric

Posted: May 6, 2010 by datechguy in media, opinion/news
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Interesting take on Morning Joe this morning:

The administration is now taking heat over its slow response to the oil leak. Joe and Mike Barnicle both agreed that BP was working with the government and that their response has been good.

This is in stark contrast to the Boot on the Neck rhetoric of the administration.

The problem is they can’t go after BP without highlighting the administrations response. Watch for more BP “stepping up to the plate” rhetoric on CNN & MSNBC.

With stories coming out about the Obama administration’s cash connections and the head of interior rafting while the gulf leaked the White House would rather have a different tone of stories out there.

Oh and Barnicle is right they have stepped up to the plate but nobody wanted to talk about that before.

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