Does John Cole know the internet exists?

Posted: April 25, 2010 by datechguy in internet/free speech, opinion/news, tea parties
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Apparently not because he makes the following statement:

They weren’t around protesting during the Bush years BECAUSE THE TEA PARTY IS REPUBLICANS. They don’t care about the deficit. They care that a Democrat (and a black “Muslim,” to boot), is in the White House. They don’t care about fiscal restraint, they care that a Democrat is in the White House.

Now I’ve attended a few tea parties and talked to people there. The trust level for republicans is not very high. If you had interviewed these people you would know this. As for the suggestion that people who support the tea parties care only that a Democrat is in the White House well, let me make the introductions…

John Cole…meet Glenn Reynolds. You might have heard of the man, he was writing about something you might recalled known as porkbusters. The earliest entry in the 3 pages of archives when you search for “Porkbusters” is May 16 2006. There is actually a blog entry from Sept 18th of 2005 as well available.

John Cole…Michelle Malkin. You might know the lady. (I’ve met her very gracious and did a kind deed for my older brother) I took the liberty of searching her archive for “porkbusters” and lo and behold it goes back to Sept 19th 2005.

Now I don’t claim to have a photographic memory but I seem to recall that there was no democrat, black or otherwise in the White House at the time nor was there a republican majority in the house where spending originates.

If you want to pretend that it’s all about President Obama’s pigmentation you go on ahead. It will earn you hits from the left and love from the media. Just don’t expect people who know how to use a search engine to take you seriously.

Update: Bad link, Thanks to Patrick for spotting it.

Update 2: Patrick does more than correct my bad link:

The reason I raised a stink about this, is because John Cole is doing two things; first of all, he is doing something that I feel is just wrong — but is what the liberal left is known for and that is collectivism. Blaming an entire group for the actions of a few. Which, I feel, is wrong. Secondly, Cole is playing fast and loose with the facts and with pinning blame, which I think he knows; but because he hopped the fence, because Bush did not do things, like he thought they ought to be done, he bailed on the right — he feels that he has to recite the talking points of the left, in order to remain in their good graces. Although, I could be wrong on that one.

  1. smitty says:

    It’s fair to say that concern about the deficit has increased significantly of late.
    The last Prez to walk back any of the debt was. . .Truman, no?

  2. Patrick says:

    You need to fix the link on PorkBusters.

  3. […] as for the assertion that Tea Party people are Republicans, Blogger “DaTechGuy” takes care of that little bunch of idiotic tripe: Now I’ve attended a few tea parties and talked […]

  4. […] thinking I was a little hard on Balloon Juice last night… By datechguy …when I hit him on the PorkBusters stuff. Then I went to Memeorandum and read his link concerning South Park and […]

  5. […] my surprise when after writing this post in the morning to see John Cole who I’ve hit in the past saying this: Apparently they think the outcry over the Arizona “SHOW YOUR […]