A quick video from the Tea Party Express Bus

Posted: April 15, 2010 by datechguy in fun, opinion/news, short films/interviews, special events
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This is the last video from the bus. Didn’t take much video on it since uploads were so poor.

Darla Dawald is a darling and can sing a bit too. Her picture on the Tea party Express site doesn’t do her justice.

  1. Isn’t technology great? Your posts yesterday said you were in Austin, TX and Alabama??? I don’t remember, I’ll have to check.

    This is going to be the new wave of the future… news s it happens and not fifteen minutes later. Wow! You might be onto something!

  2. […] doing his thang in the belly of the beast.  Pete’s filed two quick reports from DC here and here.  He has provided us with some great coverage [text, pictures, video] of the Boston Tea Party […]

  3. […] tea party in Boston – Da TechGuy was all over it! Then he hitched a ride on the Tea Party Express to DC for today’s events where he met up with Smitty and Stacy. Good stuff […]