It’s all a bunch of talk…

Posted: February 24, 2010 by datechguy in opinion/news
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…when it comes to the use of reconciliation to get “obamacare” passed.

When people have power they don’t have to talk about it or generate buzz about it, they use it. The white house keeps talking and talking and talking about the things they are going to do. It seems to me that it’s all smoke. If they had the votes and the willing congress they would get it done and that would be the end of it. PERIOD!

I don’t buy this for a minute.

The only reason why these people would even conceive of using this method would be to allow democratic senators to vote against it. How false, how cowardly.

This story is even funnier:

Congressional Democrats say Thursday’s health care summit is likely to clear the final hurdles to passing health care reform – and say that President Obama returning to the issue with a clear focus and a specific health care proposal makes it easier for them to get it done.

The Author of this piece is Christina Bellantoni (a nice Italian name). Tell you what Christiana since this is the “final hurdle” If they manage to get this passed by the end of March, in fact I’ll do you better, by the end of Lent, I’ll send you a $20 gift card to the restaurant chain of your choice so you can have a bite to eat and drink on me for being so wrong.

These people are hoping that republicans will blink and or to convince their own members that we will. It’s not going to happen.

I’ve never seen such a pathetic bunch of people who can’t govern in my life.

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