I’m glad my kids weren’t drinking…

Posted: January 29, 2010 by datechguy in fun, internet/free speech, personal
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…when they saw American Glob’s post in response to Stacy McCain’s and Smitty’s pleas to send me to CPAC. If they were anywhere near my laptop it would be shorted out and finally give up the ghost as it’s been threatening to do for months.

I’m flattered by the attention, but Made of Awesomeness? It’s almost as big a complement as being called a terrific gentlemen by the charming Roxeanne.

When I put up the “I’ll do it myself Tucker fund” it was an experiment to see if I could support myself though readership, basically a card to play as the countdown continues. CPAC was not on my mind When Stacy suggested it while I was here I confess I didn’t take it very seriously.

But a few people have already hit the jar with the express purpose of sending me to CPAC so what can I say?

I don’t do much traveling, Stacy does. He says $1600 will do the trick. If that can happen (and my wife is rolling her eyes at the possibility) then I will certainly go and do my best to be worthy of your support.

If enough is not raised I will of course refund any person who gave with the intent of sending me.

Either way I thank all of you for your support of the blog, financial or otherwise.

Update: American Gobs’ link to the “I’ll do it myself Tucker Fund” produces an error as did the link above which I have pulled.

However the links from the “Tucker” Page continues to work. I have tested it with the following browsers and versions:

Firefox 3.0.17, Internet Explorer 7.0.6000 16945, Safari 4.0.4 531.21.10,
Netscape Navigator, Maxthon 1.5.07 (build 82) and Mozilla 1.7.3

Until I can resolve the issue go here and follow the links there.

This is a good time to mention that you should ALWAYS have a least two different browsers on your system as a simple control. Is a web site failing? Is your connection failing? A secondary browser helps determine these things. I’m also a big fan of the idea that you can assign different functions to different browsers to make things easier.

  1. OldNuc says:

    I think there is a small problem here. The ip Jar does not have a button and the link in this post brings up a PayPal error message. The link over at The American Glob brings up the same error.

    Using Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.7 And popup blocker extensions.