I can guarantee that all those liberals hoping for Rush’s death will get their wish…

Posted: December 31, 2009 by datechguy in internet/free speech
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…hopefully just not yet.

Seriously we conservatives need to remember that the graveyards are full of indefensible men and sooner or later Rush will die, or simply retire. This is a basic fact of life. After all as he has said many times, it is talent on loan from God.

Idolitry is a not only a sin, it is foolish. Rush is the best at what he does, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy what other people do. Babe Rush was and is the greatest baseball player who ever lived, (Ok name another player who hit for power and average like him, stole over 100 bases AND had a won loss record of 94-46 with a career ERA of 2.28!) but that doesn’t mean that Lou Geherg, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Stan Musial or Hank Aaron or Derek Jeter are not worth watching.

Sooner or later someone of Rush’s quality will rise again and our liberal friends will be up in arms, but it will not be because the person will be the next Rush Limbaugh, it will be because it will be the first of themselves.

Update: Why do I have an image of this scene with Rush as Peter Davidson and Sarah Palin as Colin Baker

Likely because we are 24 hours away from the 10th Doctor’s Regeneration.

  1. kahall says:

    Agreed, but I don’t know that anyone will ever be able to persuade like Rush does. Take it from a former lefty. He is responsible for me pulling my head out of my ass back when he first came on the air here in 92. He really is like a big brother to me.

  2. […] guess he is having that same regeneration vision that I was […]