Chuck Todd sees the PPP polls showing republican wins…

Posted: November 2, 2009 by datechguy in elections
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…so of course he pooh poohs them on Morning Joe.

Hotair is Cautious too but cautiously optimistic:

And he adds a fourth caveat to PPP’s blowout forecast: If Scozzafava thought that her supporters would defect to Hoffman after she withdrew, she wouldn’t have withdrawn, would she? She’d have stuck around for two more days until the election to help out her pal the Democrat by keeping those votes from DH.

How weird is it getting? Dede the angry is supporting the democrat and her campaign manager is supporting Hoffman:

“Dede is entitled to her own opinion, as is everyone, but I obviously disagree with her decision,” Burns told us today, a day after leaving the campaign. “I am supporting Doug Hoffman, because denying Nancy Pelosi another foot soldier is vital to restoring fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.”

Burns, who was raised in the CD but is now based in MN, said he decided to join Scozzafava’s team in order to keep the Dem-trending seat in GOP hands. “In her heart of hearts, she’s a good person. She’s a capable legislator,” Burns said. “But I don’t think supporting a candidate who would back Nancy Pelosi is the best way to get our nation on the right track.”

How did this happen? Well Robert Stacy is all over this:

Scozzafava’s poll numbers had been collapsing for weeks. An Oct. 15 Siena College poll showed she had fallen behind Democrat Bill Owens, while insurgent Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman had picked up momentum. Her support melted down rapidly after an Oct. 19 incident when her husband, union organizer Ron McDougall, called police on Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack, who had tried to get her to answer questions about her position on tax increases and “card-check” legislation. Even before the confrontation with McCormack, however, Scozzafava’s candidacy failed to draw strong GOP backing in a district that regularly voted by 2-to-1 margins for Republican Rep. John McHugh, whose appointment as Army Secretary had created the vacancy to be filled by Tuesday’s special election.

Hoffman’s conservative campaign effectively doomed the Republican nominee by exposing her liberal voting record in the New York legislature. If Scozzafava was “unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about [her] record,” that was because the charges were true. After 11 years in Albany, during which she had risen to the rank of minority whip, Scozzafava had amassed a voting record more liberal than many of Democratic assembly members. That her policy stances put her at odds with most Republican voters in the largely rural 23rd District was a liability that seems to have been overlooked by the GOP insiders who picked her for the nomination. Once the Hoffman campaign began hammering Scozzafava for her assembly record and positions on national issues, the Conservative Party candidate quickly gained ground against both her and the Democrat, Owens.

This woman was the Republican MINORITY LEADER WHIP? No wonder the democrats have been handing us our hats in NY.

Vote Hoffman!

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