Q: How do we know that LGF is actually now Liberal?

Posted: October 25, 2009 by datechguy in internet/free speech
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A: Because of the difference between their rhetoric and their actions to wit:

That picture happens to be of Joseph Chicoine, an autistic 20-year old college student who is a friend of my brother and I. We put a picture of him on the top of our blog, something that made him ecstatic. We made a difference in his life. We put him next to his hero John McCain so that everyone can see him in that light.

And along comes Cato the Elder, who could do nothing better than to insult an innocent autistic gentleman.

What has Charles Johnson done about this? Not only did he start the feeding frenzy, but he’s read our blog and knows that it’s an autistic student, but he refuses to take the comment down. If HotAir or Rush Limbaugh did this, he would insult them until his fingers bled. Instead, he promotes this sort of personal attack, being a blight on the blogosphere.

And Even Cato has now requested the offending comment to come down.

You know Jumping in pools has been getting a bad rap lately. It’s a real shame.

Not as much of a shame as Charles has been but it is a shame.

  1. Matthew says:

    Thank you for your defense of JiP. I added your site to my article. Johnson needs to get a checkup from the neck up.
    And GP’s just pissed that he picked up one of my stories and had to retract it four months ago.