Jimmy Carter the gift that keeps on giving

Posted: September 16, 2009 by datechguy in arthur vs carter
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When I saw Barak Obama he he reminded me of Jimmy Carter the first week the blog was open I quoted myself concerning what I thought:

You sometimes get a rookie pitcher with a winning season but usually not. I’m hoping for Chester Arthur but I’m expecting Jimmy Carter.

so much I started the Arthur/Carter Watch to see if he would be Jimmy Carter or Chester Arthur (Arthur was a Machine Pol who became president when Garfield was shot but governed like Prince Hal, turning away from his old self)

Now Carter has joined the Maureen Dowd Chorus saying to oppose Obama is to be Racist:

I think Mickey Kaus is dead on concerning this:

A good example of how, if the MSM wants to tilt against the Republicans, it’s often too wedded to its own conventions–e.g., the desire to ‘make news’ with an ex-Pres.–to be effective. … No sophisticated campaign propagandist would say, “OK, let’s throw Jimmy Carter at them. They’ll be reeling!

I’m starting to think comparing Obama to Carter is too much of an insult to Obama.

Jimmy Carter is our worst ex-president ever with only John Tyler competing and he only competes because he sided with the Confederacy so he would be an actual traitor, but Carter maintains his lead. Jay Nordlinger said it best years ago:

The ex-president is known as Joe Human Rights, but he’s mighty selective about whose human rights to champion. If you live in Marcos’s Philippines, Pinochet’s Chile, or apartheid South Africa, he’s liable to care about you. If you live in Communist China, Communist Cuba, Communist Ethiopia, Communist Nicaragua, Communist North Korea, Communist . . .: screw you.

Read the whole thing.

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