The Kielbasa gets em in; The Holy Spirit can do the rest

Posted: August 30, 2009 by datechguy in catholic, personal
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Well I found out the best way to get parishioners to the end of the month after mass breakfasts at St. Anthony di Padua.

The secret is to start frying the kielbasa during the mass. The scent goes up the stairs to the main church “a fragrant aroma” (Philippians 4:18b). And when that “sweet smelling” (Numbers 15:7b) odor hits the parishioners who haven’t yet had breakfast, when mass ends they pour down the stairs to the church hall where…

“They all ate and were satisfied.” (Mark 6:42)

One funny story, a fine woman who I’ve known since grammar school was at mass as always with her 4 kids. Her husband never comes to church. The kids suggested that since there are free pancakes and Kielbasa maybe they can get him to go at least once a month.

It’s a good plan. Maybe it will work on the Christmas and Easter crowd. The Kielbasa can get them in the doors and and The Holy Spirit can do the rest.

Ironically today’s Gospel was Mark chapter 7.

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